Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tight Video Ft. Jason Mraz

I found this video a year ago or so and I just recently wanted to look it up again. Finally, I found it on YouTube. Since as awesome as before. It's funny and entertaining. I would like to do something like this for my wedding.

Screenplay is very detailed. Every little tidbit is hilarious. Shows that there was a lot of thought put into it.

Also, girl's kinda cute.

Firefox Takeover!!

Link: Mozilla Blog

The web browser by choice (unlike Microsoft IE) is Mozilla Firefox, and they're in aid to set a world record of most downloaded software in 24 hours.

Firefox 3 is coming out soon and it looks really good. Faster, more better looking, and even more security (who doesn't like more security)! Read their blog and participate in Firefox Download Day.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Endagered Species are SOO cute!

Link: Endangered and threatened mammals

There are so many animals that are close to being extinct. Many organizations are working to bring back much of these animals to breed and rebuild their species.

The Ocelot Cat is one on the list. It looks so cool! But, there are only a few left... I wish I had one of these bad boys!

iBlog: Oh-Soo-Sweeeet!!! OLED and Sleek!!

Link: Samsung's 12.1-inch OLED

Drooooool... I want one of these!

This laptop looks sooo sleek. I know with the touch-sensitive keyboard it would be tough to type, but that is besides the point. The point here is the screen and the design. Just like Apple, design comes before functionality (ex. iPod shuffle!!).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

iBlog: 9 Ways To Prevent Job Burnout

Link: Stop Job Burnout

These are nine ways that can stop you from overloading on the job.

Many of these tips are very practical and are easy to implement. I know I do some of these things, but I can always work on the physical parts more. I say I work a lot... but do I?